Custom Insoles for Shoes | Plantar Fasciitis | The Sports Medicine Store | Kansas City, MO
Custom Insoles for Shoes
The Sports Medicine Store is very specialized in the construction of biomechanically aligned custom insoles for shoes which promotes both pain management and comfort of the foot.
Custom Insoles for Shoes | Plantar Fasciitis | The Sports Medicine Store | Kansas City, MO
Custom Insoles for Shoes
The Sports Medicine Store is very specialized in the construction of biomechanically aligned custom insoles for shoes which promotes both pain management and comfort of the foot.

To obtain optimal insole results, we employ an exact, biomechanical methodology of aligning each foot in Subtalar Nuetral. The foot has three (3) primary arches and by positioning the foot in Subtalar Neutral, it anatomically aligns all the bones, joints, and soft tissue to promote proper gait from heel strike to toe off, plus optimal comfort. Subtalar Neutral is the correct Bio-mechanical position to align ALL arches of the foot. Each arch support is custom molded to the individual needs of each foot, because your right and left foot are not symmetrical.
Each of your feet has not just one arch, but three – the Transverse Arch, Medial Arch, and the Lateral Arch. By aligning all of these arches to the individual needs of each foot it helps to align the base of your skeletal system and in turn your ankles, knees, hips and lower back (the lower kinetic chain). Think of the foot as the foundation of your house, if the foundation is good, so is the structure of the house!
The proper selection of materials is as important as positioning the foot in subtalar neutral, to obtain longevity, proper shoe fit and comfort from custom insoles.
After years of material research and some 12,000 pairs of insoles, we have selected a NEW EVA base material for strength and longevity. This is then covered with a 1/8 orthotic grade compression foam, then topped off with a 1/16th artificial leather top cover. This combination of material is easily moldable (8-10 minutes), long-lasting (7-11 years) and comfortable.
Custom Insoles for Shoes can be used for:
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis is a rupture and/or tear in the Plantar Fascia Ligament that can be managed by a day splint (Custom insoles) and by a night splint.
- Sore / Tired Feet
- Hammer Toe
- Turf Toe
- Shin Splints
- Patella Tracking
- Ankle/Knee/Hip/Lower Back Pain
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Will custom insoles for my shoes work for me?
Our custom insoles are designed for casual, working, running, walking and athletic shoes. A shoe with adequate toe box space and depth is desirable for a full size insole. A narrow, firm dress shoe will require us to trim material off of your insole in order to have a proper fit. We recommend seperate insoles for athletic and dress shoes.
When will I receive my custom insoles?
Normally the insoles will be produced and available to you within 20-30 minutes. Should additional features be requested we will inform you as to the time required for modifications.
At first my feet feel different, how come?
Please be aware that your feet and custom insoles require a BREAK-IN-PERIOD. You may notice pressure in areas of your foot that you have not experienced before. It may take time for the tissue of your feet to adjust to the new custom insoles corrective forces. (This type of process is similar to what is noticed when first wearing orthodontic corrective braces on your teeth). Normally you should wear your custom insoles intermittently for 1 hour the first day, 2 hours the second day, adding 1 hour per day until wearing them all day. If you are experiencing issues after that time, call us or drop by and we will address adjustments to your insoles. If you plan to run or play sports in your insoles, do not train with your custom insoles in your shoes during the break-in-period. If you do so, you may experience soreness or skin irritation.